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Monday, October 22, 2007

Believe it or not?

Broken promises don't upset me. I just think, why did they believe me?

– Jack Handey


Unknown said...

So True that Jack, So True that... I am sure by now Marta has forgiven you.

Anonymous said...

I believe you Jack ! just don't expect anything out of anyone and you never be disappointed!and by the way i know that if you where Clark Kent(superman) you would be a dentist , but I know a former dentist who decided he was bored with dentistry and come to find out he is master YODA far more intelligent than Clark Kent and superman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I really enjoyed visiting Yoda and I hope to see him again!! to buy him a drink and talk about soldering irons!

Anonymous said...

What do you have to say about this Vera Carp?

Anonymous said...

I make it a habit to make sure that I never keep my promises that way people are never dissapointed b/c they didn't expect anything out of me anyway.

Anonymous said...

My Uncle Chuck was like that. When he'd lock me and my brother in the root celler, he'd always say... "Now, you just be quiet, and stop talking, and I'll let you out." Then, we wouldn't see him for days.
To this day, I can't even look at a potato.

Anonymous said...

The only promise you should ever keep is a threat.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the truth? My mother would always tell me if we didn't come in the house and wash our hands, she would throw the dinner to the dogs! But I never took her seriously because we had cats.

everache said...

Did they taste like chicken?

Anonymous said...

Well, now, that's a question I'm afraid I'm not qualified to answer! My husband forbids chicken to be brought into the house. He's says it's wrong, what they're doing to them these days, selling the fingers and ignoring the rest of the bird. Of course, I told him we could eat most of it and give our neighbor the finger, but he said he's already done that.

Anonymous said...

Carp fan goaded you into this, didn't he Vera?
... and we are all the better for it!
You have outdone me! (I mean, yourself!)
The cleverness that was thrust upon you is in full bloom, and as I step back to admire it, I fall, laughing, into a ditch. I could get up... but why bother? I'll just lie here and wallow in your sublime cleverness.

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear, Mr. Said, do get up!
You see, cleverness is seldom thrust upon one. You're thinking of tofu.

Anonymous said...

But Vera... indeed these are your very words. Thrust upon you... yet at an early age...
Use your gift! Don't deny it!
And I think it's actually quite impossible for one to think about tofu. Go ahead, try it.
See? Nothing happens.

Vera Carp said...

Exactly, Mr. Someguy said! Tofu IS the great nothingness! It is that great nothingness that is thrust upon so many that they become the collective nobody!

I'm sorry. The stimulation of this conversation leaves me a bit weak. Perhaps a latte will pick me up.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead vera carp, go for the cheap pick-me-up. But know this; the latte is 'the cheater'.
It's gonna pick you up just to let you down!
Watch out for the cheater.

Vera Carp said...

Of course, you're right. Expresso is worth the extra nickle. It reminds me of the time my cousin Thillipadialysis (Greek) purchased a new car, and saved several hundred dollars by not ordering the optional tires.
Pretty to look at, but not very practical, now is it?
But I must say. the indash cassette player more than made up for that error.

Anonymous said...

Your cousin's name sounds like a medical procedure. I believe it may be a fatal one at that.
Given that he won't be going to the nearest hospital in that bargain of a new car, and also because even trying to Google it will produce nothing.
He's a gonner I fear...
But hey, pop in a Hendrix cassette will you?