Once when I was in Hawaii, on the island of Kauai, I met a mysterious old stranger. He said he was about to die and wanted to tell someone about the treasure. I said, "Okay, as long as it's not a long story. Some of us have a plane to catch, you know." He told us about his life and all, and I thought: "This story isn't too long." But then, he kept going, and I started thinking, "Uh-oh, this story is getting long." But then the story was over, and I said to myself: "You know, that story wasn't too long after all." I forget what the story was about, but there was a good movie on the plane. It was a little long, though.
– Jack Handey
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Thursday, October 4, 2007
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This is totally me! I get distracted so easily!
What was I saying? . . .
huh - i got lost there in the middle . . . :)
BTW - why do we have to do the word verification thing? We don't have to on your Glenn Beck blog?
It's odd how man often misses things because he's too busy being selfishly concerned about his own agenda.
...You've been to Hawaii?
this was much longer than other deep thoughts but those thoughts aren't really long at all just a little less long...and what was a little long? the movie or the plane? i know both can be a little long and that we are living a little longer than people a long time ago did.
Some thoughts are longer than others. Not this one, though.
that happens to me every time i do too many bong hits.
I know!
My neighbor Shelia has a cuckoo clock that goes "BONG!" everytime it hits the top of the hour. Boy, does that drive my cat crazy!
(Is it cuckoo or kookoo? I have to admit, Mr. Anony, I don't know as much about clocks as you do.)
vera carp that's a good one, a mind bender,that's the kinda humor i like,the kind you're not sure about. most people want to be understood, not i.
Well, of course I agree. But it IS frustrating when you're explaining to someone standing on the tracks that a train is coming, and they speak some other language, and you just have to say, oh, well, gotta go! And they just stand there looking at you like you're crazy, and then, suddenly, they get it.
You may remember me from such films as..."The Mysterious Old Stranger".
Why Mr. McLure, I do! In fact, I remember your career before you added the "mc" to your last name. Now THAT'S thinking!
Vera, you remember me from when I was just Troy Lure? I'm flattered but you date yourself... more than likely. And then break it off with yourself because you know if will never work.
You see right through my thin veneer, don't you Mr. Lure. (You don't mind if I call you Mr. Lure, do you?)But I find conversing about Mr. Handey's sage words allows me to see inside myself, and, in time, will encourage me to be a better person. And THAT, Mr. Lure, is when I can date myself with a slightly retrained wild abandon.
It will happen.
I didn't mean to stare or make you uncomfortable Ms. Vera, but I find that I just cannot look away from those flimsy thin veils.
And you can call me anything you'd like because you already are a better person for the fact that you can see inside yourself!
Well, maybe not a better person than you yourself were a few moments ago, but certainly a better person than I am.
Finally, I want to be a chaperone on that date when it happens because I want to see for myself what 'retrained' wild abandon looks like compared with the plain old once-trained kind.
(sorry... couldn't resist. You're spelling is normally impekabel.)
My dear Mr. Lure, my spelling IS correct. I DO plan to "retrain" my wild abandon. It's simple TOO wild, and a refresher course in modesty is definately in order!
(why, just the other day I caught myself repleating my skirt in public!)
I can't believe I just told you that.
Let's never speak of it again.
SIMPLY too wild. (sigh)
My lip are sealed.
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